Transfer of Environmental Technologies
Advanced technological capability is indispensable for
coping with environmental issues and problems. Technological capability
is the result of both individual efforts and close interaction among
state, industry, financing institutions, and research and education
within every society. Close interaction and agreement upon common
targets are the preconditions for learning processes, the key element in
technological development.
In industrialised countries, technological capacity in
all four sectors is high, and after the introduction of appropriate
incentives via regulatory and other instruments a market for
environmental technology evolved. In developing countries, technological
capability is not yet sufficiently developed and thus cannot stimulate
processes such as the identification of domestic needs for environmental
However, successful transfer of environmental
technologies depends on the capability of our partner countries to
specify their particular demand, and to further develop appropriate
technologies on their own. To this end, the pilot project
"Strengthening Environmental Technological Capability in Developing
Countries (ETC)" was created. It seeks to strengthen environmental
technology capability by exploring new ways to exchange information
between, on the one hand, actors from all sectors involved (state,
industry, financing institutions, research and development) in partner
countries, and, on the other hand, cooperation partners from the private
sector in Germany. You will find more on this project and its approach here.