Networking, Business Contacts
What businesses need most is business contacts, both in
terms of suppliers and customers. In diagnostics of local economies, it
is frequent to hear a company complain about the absence of certain
specialized suppliers, only to encounter precisely this supplier at
another point, and listen to the supplier complaining about the lack of
customers. Matching suppliers and customers is something which happens
fairly automatically in highly specialized industrial clusters, but it
is a serious challenge in diversified, complex local economies.
One way of dealing with this challenge is by organizing
local fairs. This is described under its own heading.
Another way is a more informal approach: organizing
events to create opportunities for business contacts. It is often
pursued by local development agencies and SME promotion agencies. There
are two different types of events. One type is the organization of
seminars where prominent speakers or specialists in a given field are
invited to give a presentation, and after the formal question-and-answer
part an informal come-together, usually over a cocktail, is arranged.
The other type is an event without any formal structure.
In Germany this typically is called something like "Unternehmer-Stammtisch".
There, it is a highly informal dinner. Elsewhere it would rather be an
informal breakfast or brunch. The idea is to create a comfortable,
informal setting where businesspeople can easily get in touch with
colleagues. There are ways of enhancing the attractiveness of such
events, for instance by organizing them in spaces which are normally not
(yet) accessible, for instance a new shopping center or cultural space
which is nearing completion. Playing towards the curiosity of people, to
be the first to get a peek inside, may mobilize persons who would
otherwise decide that they are too busy.

chapter: coaching, mentoring
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SME promotion